By Dr. Mel Luthy, Chief Editor,
We value all our business relationships with customers. We haveespecially enjoyed supplying your paper needs for the last five years. Youunderstand, then, why we are concerned that you have not placed an order forthe last six months. If we have offended you in any way, we sincerely apologizeand want to regain your good will. We would appreciate knowing how to serve youbetter.
We have enclosed brochures of our new fall products. Since wehave served you for such a long time, we can offer you prices that comparefavorably with the prices on your previous contract. We are confident that bothour new and standard products can meet your needs in every way. We hope to hearfrom you.
By Dr. Mel Luthy, Chief Editor,
Last year was a great year for us. Why? Because we had theprivilege of filling several large orders for you. We have not heard from youfor several months, so it seems that you have forgotten us. Did we do somethingto offend you? Or have you been so busy that you inadvertently overlooked yourneed to reorder?
Providing excellent service to our customers is very importantto us. Since we would hate to lose you as one of our most outstandingcustomers, reestablishing our rewarding business relationship is top priority.Is there a time that I might meet with you to discuss your concerns? Pleasecall me at 555-5555, and I will find a time that is convenient for you.
Were you aware that last year several of our products won awardsfor quality and affordability? And that we have a new line of cleaning productsthat is environmentally friendly, yet powerful? Please take a moment toreconsider whether you want to miss out on the quality products we can provideat such a nominal cost.
By Dr. Mel Luthy, Chief Editor,
Over the years you have been a loyal Doe customer, and we haveenjoyed meeting your office-supply needs. However, we have not received anorder from you in over three months, and we are concerned. Is there any way wecan improve our service to you? We are aware that during the trucking strike,many of our customers could not get their orders filled quickly. Since then wehave taken steps to ensure that every Doe customer receives prompt, reliableservice. Will you please let me know if we can do anything to win you back? Ihave enclosed a copy of our new fall catalog. Call me personally at 555-5555 ifI can help.
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